
1. (n.) fathom refers to the measure of outstretched arms ua e ofa mo e ono e inisi he loa he vaka / the length of the canoe was two fathoms and six inches


1. (v.i.) to love obsolete as a separate word, but active in many derivations as below and in "fakaalofa" and possibly in "tukiofa"

2. (v.t.) to love another emphasises two or more people living harmoniously with each other kua fefakafeofanaki tūmau e tau fānau / the children always love one another

3. (v.i.) to love deeply kua ofaofa lahi e ia hana mateniu / he loved his eldest son deeply

4. (v.i.) to love one another kia feofanaki a mutolu e tau fānau! / you children love one another!

5. (v.i.) to love kua ofania e ia haana a tau fānau / he loved his children

6. (v.t.) to love one another, to live in harmony emphasises one person to be able to live harmoniously with another kia nonofo fakafeofanaki a mutolu he kaina / you must love pne another at home